
Download deathkeep
Download deathkeep

This is the nostalgia dungeon delving at its best - fast, furious, and fun. Watch the mood of the game intensify as the cinematics change according to the active character. You have 3 characters to choose from: a male fighter dwarf, a male half-elf fighter mage, or a female elf mage, each of which give a unique flair to the game. Everything you view is in natural perspective - including the beasties that want you dead. The 3D environment means you can look up, down and all around.The ability to jump and fly adds a new dimension to your quest - but be careful not to fall! Avoid treacherous traps solve mind boggling puzzles.Along the way, you will battle over 30 different monsters - including a variety of Tanar'ri, Mephits and Golems.Be prepared to fight your way through over 25 dungeons - each with 8 floors within! Explore icy caverns, three ominous towers and a fantastic final dungeon!.Journey to a bleak, frozen wasteland and put an end to the terror! There are thousands possible words from various aspects, so experiment by typing very short what you are looking for.An evil Necromancer has escaped from his icy prison and is wreaking havoc upon the surrounding lands. Hmmm - Dreadknights and Doom Knights do indeed appear in the same tier. Doom Knights require Cages, Black Library, Altar of Shadows and Barrow (T4) while Dreadknights require just the Cages (T4). Keywords can be related to anything, allowing advanced filtration and specific results. According to building.cfg, Liches require Black Library and a level 5 Deathkeep (T5), while Cultists require only the Black Library (T4). Quotation marks can be used for whole phrase (example: "action rpg") or exact word (example: "4x"), and combined with exclusion if needed (example: -"action rpg"). Minus sign can be used for exclusion (example: -anime). * KEYWORDS - Defines maximum of five keywords separated by space. * TO YEAR - Defines the latest year of release represented by four digits. * FROM YEAR - Defines the oldest year of release represented by four digits.

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* ORDER - Defines how the generated list should be sorted. * THEMES - Defines the topic related to the game. * MECHANICS - Defines elements of gameplay. * GRAPHICS - Defines how gameplay is displayed.

download deathkeep

* SIGN - Defines if criteria should be included (+) or excluded (-). * COMBINED GENRE - Defines the second genre of the combination. * GENRE - Defines the main type of gameplay.

download deathkeep

* PLATFORM - Defines the whole family or a single model. Note that due to the fact that there are thousands of titles in the database, some small part of them may not contain some data and latest releases may not be included shortly after the premiere. Generates a list of all games that match the criteria settings.

Download deathkeep